All posts by tallgrass

Investment Client Manager

Investment Advisors manage many clients for whom they may provide a wide range of investments and insurance products. Typically, a quick summary of any client’s portfolio is not so easily accomplished when a client calls unexpectedly on a Monday morning before coffee.

Enter Project LongView. LongView begins with a complete client list (importable) including addresses, phone numbers, and emails. Under each client is a detailed view of the products and services provided for them. Track your communications with each client and set up reminders for future calls. Custom searches, filters, and reports provide insurance expiry dates, investment totals, email lists, and To-do lists.

Potential Adaptations: Financial advisors, accountants, lawyers, service providers of all stripes…

Project LongView


Map Tracker

Environmental radiation levels fluctuate dramatically these days. This app is able to accept and track rad levels from volunteers anywhere on earth then display the latest readings on a Google map in real time. Map markers change color to indicate at a glance normal, caution, or dangerous rad levels. Users can also view their own entries on a chart, graphically illustrating the rad levels over time in their own area.

Potential Adaptations: incident response, UV monitoring, epidemic tracking, fuel prices, travel delays, service interruptions, volunteer earthquake monitoring, chemtrail reporting, lunch wagon locator, UFO sightings…

Project GEO

Order Management

Running a service business is challenging…I know, I’ve been doing it for over 30 years. Keeping accurate time and materials records is mission critical but it’s painful. I developed this app years ago to help me keep track of all the work flowing through my business. It does estimates, tracks all time and materials on active orders, prints work orders and bills of materials, and it creates billing summaries to go along with the invoices from your accounting system.

Potential Adaptations: computer techs, contractors of all kinds, repair shops, print shops, sign makers…

Project Zipline

Group Membership

Professional groups and associations must keep detailed and accurate information on their members. This app has three parts. 1. Admin maintains the database information and runs reports. 2. Renewals provides members with online access for renewing their memberships. 3. Web Report generates a search and sort list of public information for the organization.

Potential Adaptations: Service clubs, Unions…

Project Phoenix

Firehall Manager

Even the smallest firehall needs to keep track of incidents, staff, equipment, maintenance, and staff training. Most firehalls are using some combination of paper records and spreadsheets. Over the past few months I have been working with a rural firehall to develop this multi-user online management app. It will work for your fire department too.

Potential Adaptations: search and rescue operations, incident response teams…

Project ACE

Wedding Planner

Weddings are complicated. A professional wedding planner can’t afford to make any mistakes even when planning multiple simultaneous events for many different clients. This wedding planner app tracks clients, to-do list, fees, vendors, and venues. Clients even have a convenient portal where they can follow the progress on their event.

Potential Adaptations: event planners, tour operators.

Project Flora